This is a good one.
The God's of Eden" William Bramley.
I would classify it more as historical fiction.
i've always been a bit of a reader - but only reading about topics i find interesting, e.g.
natural history, dinosaurs, etc.. recently i've started to select, buy and read novels.. this year i've bought and read frankenstein (mary shelly), dracula (bram stoker), the hound of the baskervilles (a. conan doyle), 'salem's lot (stephen king), jurassic park (michael crichton) and the firm (john grisham).. i have an inclination towards horrors and thrillers.. what fiction have you been reading?.
could you recommend anything?.
This is a good one.
The God's of Eden" William Bramley.
I would classify it more as historical fiction.
i've always been a bit of a reader - but only reading about topics i find interesting, e.g.
natural history, dinosaurs, etc.. recently i've started to select, buy and read novels.. this year i've bought and read frankenstein (mary shelly), dracula (bram stoker), the hound of the baskervilles (a. conan doyle), 'salem's lot (stephen king), jurassic park (michael crichton) and the firm (john grisham).. i have an inclination towards horrors and thrillers.. what fiction have you been reading?.
could you recommend anything?.
"The Magic Strings of Frankie Pesto" by Mitch Albom.
I'm not a fan of fiction, but it was alright.
besides being raised in the religion , why do people become jws?
I was raised in it so I don't understand why someone would become a Jw.
I spent 30 years trying to escape.
so we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
Kent Hovind has all kinds of scientific facts on why the flood happened. You can watch his videos, if you want to know.
I won't argue it here.
so we were talking about noah for our family worship tonight and it ended with a little debate between me and my parents about how the flood was possible.
you know, where did the water come from, how did all the animals fit, etc.
of course it led nowhere and my parents came up with some strange theories like that there was "an expanse of water in the sky" and that's where all the water came from.
one of my interests is music and i play an acoustic guitar.. i wrote a poem about my guitar and thought i'd share it with you.
my poem doesn't match up to some of compound complex's work however, i'd really appreciate any feedback you can give.. my guitar my friend.
reaching for my old companion.
If he could play it in one take why didn't he?
Don't do the losers limp on me now.
I posted recording of him playing it without the triplets.
I suspect some drummers today figured out how to do live what he couldn't do live but could do in the studio.
one of my interests is music and i play an acoustic guitar.. i wrote a poem about my guitar and thought i'd share it with you.
my poem doesn't match up to some of compound complex's work however, i'd really appreciate any feedback you can give.. my guitar my friend.
reaching for my old companion.
When I play music out in public. I play for money.
It is usually in crowded bars or venues where people go to dance.
That is the only way you can play out for money on a regular basis.
People have to be drinking.
The way you get them to drink is to make them thirsty.
You have to be a human juke box and play familiar songs that they will get up and dance to.
They don't care if the drummer sounds better than Bonham ever could live. They want to hear hits, that make them dance.
I don't think many Led zeppelin songs would be good money makers in bars.
one of my interests is music and i play an acoustic guitar.. i wrote a poem about my guitar and thought i'd share it with you.
my poem doesn't match up to some of compound complex's work however, i'd really appreciate any feedback you can give.. my guitar my friend.
reaching for my old companion.
Another example of Bonham not nailing good times bad times.
one of my interests is music and i play an acoustic guitar.. i wrote a poem about my guitar and thought i'd share it with you.
my poem doesn't match up to some of compound complex's work however, i'd really appreciate any feedback you can give.. my guitar my friend.
reaching for my old companion.
I suspect that zeppelin recorded Good times bad times to a click track without the drums or they used the drums with a simple bass beat.
Then Bonham went over and over and dubbed the bass pedal without playing with his hands.
I say that because zeppelin was famous for doing that sort of thing and they never played the song live which means they couldn't play it live.
When I make recording If I want a fancy drum beat which people do not usually want in popular songs. I record the drums than go back over and hook up my double bass pedal and people think I am Bonham.
one of my interests is music and i play an acoustic guitar.. i wrote a poem about my guitar and thought i'd share it with you.
my poem doesn't match up to some of compound complex's work however, i'd really appreciate any feedback you can give.. my guitar my friend.
reaching for my old companion.
I started out as a drummer in the 5th grade.
I had set of Ludwig drums.
I was playing in wedding bands Polkas and standards in elementary school back in the 60's when people had bands at there weddings.
Good times bad time has some excellent drumming.
I have played it many times in my bands as a bassist and guitarist with many drummers.
Some of the best drummers in Tampa Bay.
No one plays it like Bonham and the only people that notice that are 10% of the drummers in the crowd.
You don't even know if Bohham recorded it in one track or used multiple tracks.
Zepplin was known for layering and multiracking. If I layered and multitracked the drums I could make a close approximation to Bohnam.
There are no live recordings that I can find of good times bad times which tells me Led zeppelin could not pull the song off live.
There is the beginning of good times bad times on a live recording of communications break down. Bonham does not nail it.
I could play that as well as all the drummers I have played with.